Mars 8 2014 Abstracts

Version 5 (Nathan Williams, 09/30/2014 02:43 pm) → Version 6/13 (Lauren Edgar, 09/30/2014 02:43 pm)

h2. [[Mars 8 2014 Abstracts]]

| _*Author(s)*_ | _*Abstract #*_ | _*Title*_ | _*Link*_ | _*Talk/Poster*_ | _*Comments*_ |
| Jacob Adler, Jim Bell | 1035 | Mineralogic Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment in Miyamoto Crater, Mars | attachment:Adler_Mars8_abstract.pdf | TBD | |
| Williams, Bell, Christensen, Farmer | 1041 | Evidence for an Explosive Origin of Central Pit Craters on Mars | attachment:Williams_Nathan_Mars8_Abs1041.pdf | TBD | |
| Edgar et al. | 1389 | Cross-Bedded Facies and Inferred Paleocurrents Observed by the Curiosity Rover along the Traverse to Mt. Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars | attachment:Edgar_Mars8_abstract_FINAL_small.pdf | TBD | |